Of course, by fate, the ship would sail right by them. He sees this as the perfect way to restore his reputation, and has his crew (if you can call it a crew) go on the lookout for the Going Merry. Suddenly, he gets the paper with Luffy's wanted poster. On a lone, malrepaired Marine ship, Fullbody laments being demoted after being defeated by Sanji. Zoro also thinks that some very good bounty hunters will be headed their way. Nami is more concerned, realizing that they are now in grave danger due to the high bounty, but admits they might as well go to the Grand Line now. Usopp cheers him up, saying you don't have to be a captain to get on a wanted poster. The idea that Usopp got on a poster first gets Sanji jealous. Usopp quickly recognizes his head on the wanted poster. On the Baratie, Zeff posts the wanted poster front and center in the restaurant.īack on the Going Merry, Luffy rejoices at his new infamy. Morgan (now imprisoned) and Kuro (recovered on his ship) contemplate Luffy's bounty. Koby, now a chore boy alongside Helmeppo, anticipates being Luffy's enemy someday. At Syrup Village, Merry brings Kaya the wanted poster, and Kaya finds Usopp in Luffy's mugshot. News circulates to the friends of the crew.

Elsewhere at the base, John Giant leads exercises for Marine recruits. Luffy has been given a then-unprecedented starting bounty of 30,000,000.

They have connected him to the defeat of rogue Marine captain Morgan as well as pirates Buggy, Don Krieg and Arlong, all of whom had very high bounties. He estimates that the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates is too great for East Blue's Marine forces. In the Agenda Room at the headquarters of the Marines, Brannew holds a briefing about a new threat: Monkey D. Everyone looks at it, and suddenly get startled. As Nami reads through the chaos going on in the world, a flyer falls out. Nami receives the latest newspaper from the News Coo, while Usopp is working on his new Tabasco Boshi, and Sanji is fending Luffy off of Nami's tangerines. On the Going Merry, the crew is relaxing after beating Arlong.

News quickly spreads to Shanks, who celebrates Luffy's arrival into the world of pirates by partying with Mihawk, despite already being severely hungover. As a result of defeating Buggy, Krieg and Arlong, Luffy now has the highest bounty in all of East Blue.