For dedicated fans of the children's card game UNO, this computerized version of the popular game is sure to draw a smile. In UNO Undercover, you work with agent Felicia Blue and use her UNO skills to solve a spy mystery! Download a free. If successfully called out, that player will have to draw four cardsĪ round is over when the first player plays all their cards.Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. If another player starts their turn, it's too late! A player that has forgotten to call Uno can be called out before the next player goes. You must call Uno either right before or right after your play your second-to-last card. You cannot, however, play another card from your hand once you've chosen to draw. If you draw a card and its playable, you can choose to play it, or to end your turn without playing it. This is known as "reneging." If you draw a card and its not playable, your turn ends. On your turn, even if you have playable cards, you can choose to draw a card. If you draw a card, and its not playable, your turn ends.

On your turn, if you don't have any playable cards, you must draw a card. However, you can only play it when you have no other moves In addition, there are draw four wild cars, shown with a +4 - this powerful card lets you choose the suit and also forces the next player to pick up four cards. When you play it, you'll be able to chose the color for the next player. A usual wild card is shown with a W and can be played at any time. If you have wild cards, you can play them no matter the current color.

In the center, you'll see the discard pile. Be sure all other players have joined before you start the game! They will not be able to join after you start the game.

Once you select Start Game, you'll see the cards you have in your hand. If you're playing with others, they can join your game by using the exact same room name. The room name can be anything you like (ex: "joan's room"). To get started, enter a name for yourself (ex: "uno-player-100") and a room name. Uno is multiplayer, and works for between 2 to 6 players.

The first player to play all the cards in their hand wins the round, and scores points. In Uno, the goal is to be the first player to play all your cards.